Inspiring Confidence & Supporting Your Heart
Anointed by the Spirit of God for personal growth, corporate ministry and all... to His praise.


The seminar addresses the following questions and more…

What are Spiritual Gifts? What are the differences between the fruits of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit and talents?

What is the relationship between giftedness and conversion, temperaments, personality etc.?

How and when do we receive Spiritual Gifts?

How can you discover your Spiritual Gifts with a high degree of accuracy and how to maximize them in worship and for service?

Dr. Dunbar has had considerable exposure in the Training and Motivation of the Laity as that was a part of his Doctoral Degree from Andrews University Theological Seminary.

This Spiritual Gifts Seminar is offered to individuals and groups in person or via Zoom seminars.


  • Discover God's will for your life and where you best fit into ministry.

  • Have a greater sense of identity and partnership with Jesus.

  • Experience greater joy in service in that you will be matched to the work that compliments who you are.

  • Equipped to cope with diversity and conflict in committees and the local congregation at large.

  • Be better equipped to win your friends and relative to Jesus and build up His body, the church.

  • Be enabled to recognize and respond to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.

This is a hands-on seminar that takes you step- by-step in the process of discovery and implementation.

Bible based, experience tested, personally empowering and Spirit-anointed.

A must for individual Christian growth

A pre-requisite for congregational maturity

A vision for finishing the work and completing the task of missions and hastening the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By Individual application / Free Spiritual Gifts Inventory/Questionnaire / Resources & Certificate of Completion cost are separated from registration fee.

Spiritual Gifts Seminar : (FULL SEMINAR: per attendee)

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MATERIALS connected to this seminar.

What Adventists Believe about Spiritual Gifts and Ministries

We all have a special talent that we’ve found to be useful. For some of us, it might be musical skill or athletic prowess. For others, it might be a good eye for logistics or a knack for understanding other people’s feelings. Our talents come in a thousand different shapes and sizes. 

God has endowed us with the talents we have, and He often calls us to use those talents for the good of others, with the Holy Spirit as our guide. 

When used in service of others or sharing the gospel, these talents are often referred to spiritual gifts. Sometimes, as we grow spiritually, the Holy Spirit might even empower us with a new gift, or help us discover gifts we never realized we had all along!